Michigan Conference of Teamsters Welfare Fund

Schedule of Benefits
Benefit Package 1371

Date Inquired About: 2/12/2025
Today's Date: 2/12/2025
Effective January 2025

Michigan Conference of Teamsters Welfare Fund (MCTWF)
Benefit Package 1371
Dental BenefitDelta Dental PPO NetworkDelta Dental Premier NetworkNon-Delta Dental Network
Dental Package 1+Dental: Class I & II covered in full; Class III 90% of CC. Annual maximum $2,600 per person.
Orthodontic: 85% of CC up to $3,500 lifetime per adult/child.
Dental: Class I & II covered in full; Class III 85% of CC. Annual maximum $2,500 per person.
Orthodontic: 85% of CC up to $3,500 lifetime per adult/child.
Dental: Class I & II 100% of MAB; Class III 85% of MAB. Annual maximum $2,500 per person.
Orthodontic: 50% of MAB up to $2,000 lifetime per child.
Standard Vision BenefitEyeMed Vision NetworkNon-EyeMed Vision Network
VisionOne exam and one vision correction option1 per person per calendar year. Exam 100% of CC. Frames covered up to retail value of $225, you are responsible for any charges in excess after a 20% discount. 100% of CC for pair of clear plastic single, bifocal, trifocal or lenticular lenses. 100% of CC for progressive lenses for Standard lenses, $30 copay for Premium Tier 1 lenses, $40 for Premium Tier 2 lenses, $65 for Premium Tier 3 lenses, or 80% of charges less $120 allowance for Premium Tier 4 lenses. 100% of CC per pair of polycarbonate lenses under age 19. Up to $225 for contact lenses; you are responsible for any charges in excess after a 15% discount for conventional contact lenses (no discount for disposable contact lenses,). $20 additional contact lens allowance when lenses are purchased through contactsdirect.com. 100% of CC for contact lens fitting and standard contact lens fitting and follow-up, or for the retail price less 10% for premium contacts lens fitting and follow-up. Up to $250 per eye per lifetime for laser vision correction (Lasik or PRK) from U.S. Laser Network; you are responsible for any charges in excess after a 15% discount of CC or 5% off the promotional price (whichever is lower).
1 A vision correction option is defined as either (a) one pair of lenses and frames, whether purchased together or separately, (b) contact lenses and fitting, or (c) laser vision correction for one or both eyes. Note: Coverage for one such annual vision option cannot be later replaced with coverage for another vision option.
One exam and one vision correction option1 per person per calendar year. Exam 100% of CC. Frames covered up to retail value of $150, you are responsible for any charges in excess after a 20% discount. 100% of CC for pair of clear plastic single, bifocal, trifocal or lenticular lenses. 100% of CC for progressive lenses after a copay of $42 for Standard lenses, $72 for Premium Tier 1 lenses, $82 for Premium Tier 2 lenses, $107 for Premium Tier 3 lenses, or $42 plus 80% of charges less $120 allowance for Premium Tier 4 lenses. 100% of CC per pair of polycarbonate lenses under age 19. Up to $120 for contact lenses; you are responsible for any charges in excess after a 15% discount for conventional contact lenses (no discount for disposable contact lenses,). $20 additional contact lens allowance when lenses are purchased through contactsdirect.com. 100% of CC for contact lens fitting; you are responsible up to $40 for standard contact lens fitting and follow-up, or for the retail price less 10% for premium contacts lens fitting and follow-up. Up to $250 per eye per lifetime for laser vision correction (Lasik or PRK) from U.S. Laser Network; you are responsible for any charges in excess after a 15% discount of CC or 5% off the promotional price (whichever is lower).
1 A vision correction option is defined as either (a) one pair of lenses and frames, whether purchased together or separately, (b) contact lenses and fitting, or (c) laser vision correction for one or both eyes. Note: Coverage for one such annual vision option cannot be later replaced with coverage for another vision option.

CC (Contracted Charges) means the agreed upon fees between MCTWF and in-network providers.

MAB (Maximum Allowable Benefit) means the portion of the amount billed by an out-of-network provider that has been established as the benefit package maximum payable amount, subject to deductible, coinsurance and co-payments.

Eligibility for auto-related accidental injuries or illnesses under your MCTWF benefit package will be available only to the extent that claims resulting from the accident are in excess of the greater of (1) the required insurance coverage or other financial protection required under applicable state law, or (2) the benefit limits of any other insurance under which the individual is entitled to coverage. MCTWF will provide benefits pursuant to a signed MCTWF Assignment, Subrogation and Reimbursement Agreement, contingent upon the submission of proof that benefits have been exhausted through the auto carrier and/or other insurance available. MCTWF does not provide Qualified Health Coverage.

If you are the operator or occupant of a rental vehicle and other medical coverage is available, no MCTWF benefits will be paid for auto-related accidental injuries or illnesses.

This Schedule of Benefits is not a full statement of covered services under your benefit package. As a general rule, all procedures or services not deemed experimental by the medical community are covered. Contact MCTWF's Member Services Call Center for any benefit questions you may have.