Michigan Conference of Teamsters Welfare Fund

Schedule of Benefits
Benefit Package 1268

Date Inquired About: 2/12/2025
Today's Date: 2/12/2025
Effective January 2025

Michigan Conference of Teamsters Welfare Fund (MCTWF)
Benefit Package 1268
New Key 1 Medical BenefitBCBS PPO NetworkNon-BCBS PPO Network
Annual Deductible$100 per individual
$200 per family
$200 per individual
$400 per family
Annual Out of Pocket Maximum
includes medical copay and coinsurance amounts.

MCTWF complies with the Affordable Care Act out-of-pocket cost limits*
$1,000 per family in excess of deductible$2,000 per family in excess of deductible
In-Patient Hospital ExpensesCovered 90%** of CC subject to deductible for up to 365 days semi-private room or private room if medically necessary
Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible for up to 365 days semi-private room or private room if medically necessary
Hospital Emergency Expenses
   (must meet criteria)
Covered 100% of CC after $75** copay (waived if admitted)
Covered 100% of MAB after $75** copay (waived if admitted)
Mental Health & Substance
Use Disorder Benefits

(must receive prior authorization for inpatient services by calling BCBS at 800-762-2382)
Inpatient Hospital:Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible
Inpatient Physician:Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible
Outpatient Physician:$15** copay
Inpatient Hospital:Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Inpatient Physician:Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Outpatient Physician:Covered 70%** of MAB subject to deductible
Surgical ExpensesCovered 90%** of CC subject to deductible
Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Specified Organ Transplant Program
Covered 100% of CC.
Must use a designated facility.
Covered 100% of CC.
Must use a designated facility.
Maternity Expenses
Pre/Post Natal Delivery

Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible

Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Anesthesia ExpensesCovered 90%** of CC subject to deductible
Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Ambulance Expenses

Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible

Covered 90%** of MAB subject to deductible
X-ray and Diagnostic Testing

Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible

Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Laboratory Expenses
  Fluids/Pathology/Diagnostic Tests

Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible

Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Physician Charges

  Outpatient Primary Care Visit
  Outpatient Specialist Visit
  Outpatient Urgent Care Visit
  MDLIVE Telehealth Consultation

Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible

$15** copay
$30** copay
$35** copay
$0 copay ($10** copay waived through 03/31/25)

Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible

Covered 70%** of MAB subject to deductible
Covered 70%** of MAB subject to deductible
Covered 70%** of MAB subject to deductible
Not Covered
Wellness Benefit
  Physical / GYN Exam /
  Well Child Exam

Covered 100% of CC
Deductible & coinsurance waived

Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Wellness Benefit
Pap Smear Screening &
Mammogram Screening

Covered 100% of CC
Deductible & coinsurance waived

Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Wellness Benefit
Child Immunization /
Adult Flu Vaccination

Covered 100% of CC
Deductible & coinsurance waived

Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Injection ExpensesCovered 90%** of CC subject to deductible
Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Chiropractic Expenses24 spinal manipulations per person annually covered 80% of CC. One mechanical traction per day only with spinal manipulation covered under Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapy Expenses. One "new patient" office visit every 36 months and one "established patient" office visit annually, per chiropractor, covered under Physician Charges - Outpatient/Office Visit.24 spinal manipulations per person annually covered 70% of MAB. One mechanical traction per day only with spinal manipulation covered under Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapy Expenses. One "new patient" office visit every 36 months and one "established patient" office visit annually, per chiropractor, covered under Physician Charges - Outpatient/Office Visit.
Hearing Aid ExpensesCovered 90%** of CC subject to deductible, up to $1,500 per person, per ear every 2 years
Covered 90%** of MAB subject to deductible, up to $1,500 per person, per ear every 2 years
Outpatient Cancer Treatment
(e.g. chemotherapy & radiation therapy)

Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible

Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Physical, Speech &
Occupational Therapy Expenses

Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible

Covered 80%** of MAB subject to deductible
Home Health Care ExpensesCovered 90%** of CC subject to deductible
Covered 90%** of MAB subject to deductible
Skilled Nursing Facility Expenses90%** eligible expenses subject to deductible for room and board and other medical services up to 730 days reduced by 2 times the number of days in hospital.
90%** eligible expenses subject to deductible for room and board and other medical services up to 730 days reduced by 2 times the number of days in hospital.
Hospice Care ExpensesCovered 90%** of CC subject to deductible
Covered 90%** of MAB subject to deductible
Durable Medical Equipment
and Medical Supplies Expenses

Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible

Covered 90%** of scheduled amount subject to deductible
Prosthetic Devices and
Orthotics Expenses

Covered 90%** of CC subject to deductible

Covered 90%** of MAB subject to deductible
Survivor Health BenefitsProvides up to 36 months of free medical and prescription drug coverage for eligible spouses and dependent children of participants who die while actively covered under a MCTWF medical benefits package. Coverage will mirror the benefits provided to the deceased participant’s MCTWF participating group.Provides up to 36 months of free medical and prescription drug coverage for eligible spouses and dependent children of participants who die while actively covered under a MCTWF medical benefits package. Coverage will mirror the benefits provided to the deceased participant’s MCTWF participating group.
New Rx2 Prescription Drug BenefitCaremark Pharmacy Network
 Covered in full after the below applicable copay at a participating retail or mail order pharmacy.
Retail & Mail
Up to 34 days
Retail 90 & Mail
35 - 60 days
Retail 90
61 - 90 days
61 - 90 days
Preferred Brand
Non-Preferred Brand
$10 copay
$20 copay
$35 copay
$20 copay
$40 copay
$70 copay
$30 copay
$60 copay
$105 copay
$20 copay
$45 copay
$80 copay
Dental BenefitDelta Dental PPO NetworkDelta Dental Premier NetworkNon-Delta Dental Network
Dental Package 1Dental: Class I & II covered in full; Class III 90% of CC. Annual maximum $2,100 per person.
Orthodontic: 85% of CC up to $3,500 lifetime per adult/child.
Dental: Class I & II covered in full; Class III 85% of CC. Annual maximum $2,000 per person.
Orthodontic: 85% of CC up to $3,500 lifetime per adult/child.
Dental: Class I & II 100% of MAB; Class III 85% of MAB. Annual maximum $2,000 per person.
Orthodontic: 50% of MAB up to $2,000 lifetime per child.
Standard Vision BenefitEyeMed Vision NetworkNon-EyeMed Vision Network
VisionOne exam and one vision correction option1 per person per calendar year. Exam 100% of CC. Frames covered up to retail value of $150 (or up to retail value of $200 when using an EyeMed PLUS participating provider), you are responsible for any charges in excess after a 20% discount. 100% of CC for pair of clear plastic single, bifocal, trifocal or lenticular lenses. 100% of CC for progressive lenses after a copay of $42 for Standard lenses, $72 for Premium Tier 1 lenses, $82 for Premium Tier 2 lenses, $107 for Premium Tier 3 lenses, or $42 plus 80% of charges less $120 allowance for Premium Tier 4 lenses. 100% of CC per pair of polycarbonate lenses under age 19. Up to $120 for contact lenses (or up to $170 when using an EyeMed PLUS participating provider); you are responsible for any charges in excess after a 15% discount for conventional contact lenses (no discount for disposable contact lenses,). $20 additional contact lens allowance when lenses are purchased through contactsdirect.com. 100% of CC for contact lens fitting; you are responsible up to $40 for standard contact lens fitting and follow-up, or for the retail price less 10% for premium contacts lens fitting and follow-up. Up to $250 per eye per lifetime for laser vision correction (Lasik or PRK) from U.S. Laser Network; you are responsible for any charges in excess after a 15% discount of CC or 5% off the promotional price (whichever is lower).
1 A vision correction option is defined as either (a) one pair of lenses and frames, whether purchased together or separately, (b) contact lenses and fitting, or (c) laser vision correction for one or both eyes. Note: Coverage for one such annual vision option cannot be later replaced with coverage for another vision option.
One exam and one vision correction option1 per person per calendar year. Exam up to $50. Frames up to $75. Up to $50 for pair of clear plastic single lenses, up to $60 for pair of bifocal lenses, up to $70 for pair of trifocal lenses, and up to $70 for pair of lenticular lenses. No coverage for progressive lenses. Up to $80 for contact lenses. No coverage for contact lens fitting. Up to $250 per eye per lifetime for laser vision correction.
1A vision correction option is defined as either (a) one pair of lenses and frames, whether purchased together or separately, (b) contact lenses and fitting, or (c) laser vision correction for one or both eyes. Note: Coverage for one such annual vision option cannot be later replaced with coverage for another vision option.
Other Benefit(s)Coverage
Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit
(participant only)
$250 per month.
$20,000 maximum benefit over an 80-month period.
Death Benefit
  Children (Birth up to age 26)

Accidental Death and
Dismemberment (AD&D) Benefit

  (participant only)
$10,000 Maximum
Benefit Bank WeeksReceive 6 benefit bank weeks for the period of 04/01/2024 through 03/31/2027.***

CC (Contracted Charges) means the agreed upon fees between MCTWF and in-network providers.

MAB (Maximum Allowable Benefit) means the portion of the amount billed by an out-of-network provider that has been established as the benefit package maximum payable amount, subject to deductible, coinsurance and co-payments.

* In accordance with the Affordable Care Act, effective January 1, 2017, all MCTWF Actives Plan medical and prescription drug benefits combined in-network out-of-pocket costs are subject to calendar year limits. Out-of-pocket costs refer to deductibles, copay and coinsurance amounts (but not contribution payments, or out-of-network cost-sharing or balance bill payments). Once a calendar year limit is reached, coverage must be provided for the balance of the year without further out-of-pocket costs for in-network medical and prescription drug benefits. The limits for 2025 are $9,200 per individual and $18,400 per family member. Accumulations toward these statutory out-of-pocket cost limits are tracked on each MCTWF Explanation of Benefits (EOB) form and in each MCTWF Participant Portal account.
** The co-payments and/or coinsurance payments for these services apply toward the annual out-of-pocket maximum.
*** Participant receives the noted 6 weeks except in cases where a different arrangement was approved by MCTWF, or the participant is contributed on under a MCTWF benefit package with seasonal eligibility requirements, in which case they do not receive benefit bank weeks.

Eligibility for auto-related accidental injuries or illnesses under your MCTWF benefit package will be available only to the extent that claims resulting from the accident are in excess of the greater of (1) the required insurance coverage or other financial protection required under applicable state law, or (2) the benefit limits of any other insurance under which the individual is entitled to coverage. MCTWF will provide benefits pursuant to a signed MCTWF Assignment, Subrogation and Reimbursement Agreement, contingent upon the submission of proof that benefits have been exhausted through the auto carrier and/or other insurance available. MCTWF does not provide Qualified Health Coverage.

If you are the operator or occupant of a rental vehicle and other medical coverage is available, no MCTWF benefits will be paid for auto-related accidental injuries or illnesses.

This Schedule of Benefits is not a full statement of covered services under your benefit package. As a general rule, all procedures or services not deemed experimental by the medical community are covered. Contact MCTWF's Member Services Call Center for any benefit questions you may have.